【Wendy讲故事】Little Cat and the red bus 小猫和大红汽车

【Wendy讲故事】Little Cat and the red bus 小猫和大红汽车

2016-10-23    11'37''

主播: 小图英语阅读养成电台

149 9

Little Cat and the red bus 小猫和大红汽车 Litte cat is very small. She’s the smallest on the bus. 小猫是个小女孩。她是整辆校车上年龄最小的那一个。 Everyday when school is over. Little cat finds a seat. 每天放学以后,小猫都得自己在车上找一个位子。 She would like to sit with her sister, but her sister sits with the big children. 她很想坐在她姐姐身边,可是姐姐总是和大孩子们坐在一块儿。 She would like to sit the special spot up the front, but someone else always get there first. 她很想坐在前排那个视野最好的位置上,可是那里总是被别人先占去。 The big children push and shove. They rumble and bumble. They laugh and talk up the back. 大孩子们挤来挤去、吵吵嚷嚷,在车子后面又是大笑又是高声交谈。 Sometimes the fight, even when they are happy. 有时还会打打闹闹,甚至高兴的时候也这样。 It is always the same everyday. 每天,总是这样。 The bus goes up and the bus goes down. 大红汽车爬上坡又爬下坡。 The bus goes over and the bus goes around. 大红汽车越过桥又转个弯。 The bus goes through and the bus comes out. 大红汽车穿过林荫道,又开出来。 The bus stops and starts, and stops and starts again, and at last it is time for Little Cat to get off. 车子停下来,又开走了。一次次停下,一次次开走。终于,轮到小猫下车了。 ‘Come on’, says her big sister, they run up the hill to home. “跟上!”姐姐说,她们一路跑回山坡上的家。 But one day her big sister was sick, so Little Cat had to go to school all on her own. 可是有一天,姐姐生病了。小猫不得不自己一个人去学校。 It was a long day!And when it was over, Little Cat got on the bus by herself to come home. 这一天可真长啊!终于放学了。这次,小猫自己坐校车回家。 The sun shone on the window and made her feel warm. 太阳照在车窗上,晒得小猫浑身热乎乎的。 The bus went up and the bus went down. 大红汽车爬上坡,又爬下坡。 The bus went over and the bus went around. 大红汽车越过了桥,又转了个弯。 The bus went through and the bus came out. 大红汽车穿过林荫道,又开出来。 It stopped and started, and stopped and started. 车子停下、开走,再停下、再开走…… Little Cat feel very sleepy…and there was no big sister to tell her when to get off the bus. 小猫觉得好困……而且,这次没有姐姐里叫她到站下车了。 Little Cat closed her eyes…and the bus rumbled on. 小猫闭上了眼睛……大红汽车轰隆隆地向前开着。 More children got off. 更多的孩子下了车。 And more children. 渐渐地,人越来越少…… Until there was only one child left on the bus. 最后,车上只剩下小猫一个了。 And it stopped. But it did not start again. 大红汽车停下来,这次它没有再开走。 It was dark when Little Cat woke up. 当小猫醒来的时候,周围很黑。 She opened her eyes. 她睁开眼睛。 She was all alone. 啊,只有她一个人! Little Cat’s legs wobbled. 小猫的腿开始发抖。 Poor Little Cat! 可怜的小猫! Where was she? Where had all the other children gone? 她现在在哪儿?别的孩子都去哪儿了? ‘I want to go home!’ cried Little Cat. “我想回家!”小猫哭了起来。 How would she ever find her way? 她该怎么办? But wait! 啊,等等! Someone was coming! 有人来了! It was the driver of the big red bus. 是大红汽车的司机啊。 ‘I missed my stop.’ whispered Little Cat. “我坐过站了。”小猫轻声说。 The driver picked up Little Cat and carried her to the front. He found a warm blanket. 司机抱起小猫,把她放到前排座位上,还找来一条暖和的摊子给她盖上。 ‘Off we go,’ he said. “我们出发喽!”他说。 The driver started the bus. Lights shone. The engine roared. 司机发动了车子,车灯亮了。发动机轰轰响起来。 The bus swung around the corner and they were off. 大红汽车转出拐角,出发了。 The bus went through and the bus came out. 大红汽车钻过隧道,又钻出来。 The bus went over and bus went around. 大红汽车开上高高的山坡,又转了个弯。 The bus went up and the bus went down. 大红汽车爬上坡,又爬下坡。 This time there was no pushing and shoving, no rumbling and no bumbling. 这一次,车上可没有人推推搡搡,也没有叽叽喳喳。 There was only the night time, the blanket, Little Cat and the bus driver. 只有静静的夜、毯子、小猫和开大红汽车的司机。 Little Cat, up the front in the special spot,…… 而小猫呢,就坐在前排那个视野最好的位子上…… all the way…Home. 直到回家。