【Wendy讲故事】海豹萨米 Sammy the seal

【Wendy讲故事】海豹萨米 Sammy the seal

2016-11-12    12'18''

主播: 小图英语阅读养成电台

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hello,关注小图电台的朋友们大家好,我是Wendy。 《海豹萨米Sammy the Seal》一本轻松,可爱的小书。讲的是小海豹Sammy的故事。Sammy厌倦了动物园一成不变的生活,决定去外面的世界走走。 There, he finds a school full of kids and new things to do! Sammy sings with the students, becomes the star of the volleyball team, and even learns to read. He can't wait to tell his friends back at the zoo how much fun he's having! 一个偶然机会,小海豹混进学堂,央求老师留下它。Sammy学会了读书,写字,还跟小朋友一起抛球。放学了,Sammy尽兴而归,因为“There is no place like home。”(没有哪里比得上家好啊!)游着泳,吃着鱼, Sammy无限感慨。外面世界的精彩,外面世界的小小无奈,小海豹有那么多要告诉它的同伴们。 可爱的小海豹!这本绘本可以让每个人都想起自己曾经有过的那颗不安分的心。