Double Trouble (live) - Eric Clapton

Double Trouble (live) - Eric Clapton

2017-04-20    08'07''

主播: 电影原声奏鸣曲

740 15

Eric Clapton,英国音乐人、歌手及作曲人,是一位世界著名的摇滚兼布鲁斯吉他手。他曾获得过格莱美奖,也是20世纪最成功的音乐家之一,在摇滚名人堂里有三项成就。他是有史以来最伟大的吉他手之一,2003年在滚石杂志评选的一百大吉他手位列第二,在百大摇滚艺术家里面排名53位。(感兴趣可以关注我的公众号:加布里乔森 ID:Nichemovie) Double Trouble (live) - Eric Clapton Lay awake at night For some loving untroubled I can&`&t keep a job Laid off and I&`&m having double trouble But hey hey, to make it you&`&ve got to try Baby, believe me that ain&`&t no lie Yeah, because some of this generation has millionaires And I can&`&t even keep decent clothes to wear Laughed at me walking And I had nowhere to go Bad luck and trouble has taken me I have no money to show But hey hey, to make it you&`&ve got to try Baby, believe me that ain&`&t no lie Yeah, it&`&s because some of this generation is millionaires And I can&`&t even keep decent clothes to wear