Chapter 7 Chef's last days

Chapter 7 Chef's last days

2022-12-27    03'44''

主播: 心妞妞

363 1

中英文台词: After a tiring day of work, the chef returns home hoping for a quiet evening and a good sleep. But he can't stop thinking about the mouse that made him jump up in fright. The chef plans to get a mouse trap and put it on the shop floor. 结束了一天的辛苦劳作,厨师回到了家中,期待晚上能安安静静地好好睡上一觉了。但他不由自主地想到了那只让他吓了一跳的老鼠。厨师打算找只捕鼠器,放到餐馆地上。 Two days later, instead of disappearing, the initial red spots on the chef's arm have grown bigger. Although feeling uncomfortable, the chef is not concerned and doesn't pay appropriate attention to it. He thinks that it's an allergic condition caused by the mosquito bite although he experienced no previous allergic symptoms. 两天后,厨师胳膊上那些小红点非但没有消失,反而还越长越大。厨师觉得身体有点不舒服,但也没放在心上,并未多加注意。尽管他先前从未有过过敏症状,但他估计这次只是蚊子叮咬诱发的过敏。 During the next two days, the chef starts to sneeze and sweat a lot. But he keeps ignoring the warning signs of his illness. And then in a few days his body shakes and trembles. His belly aches. The red spots start to bleed. He feels as if all the strength is leaving his body. All this evidence indicates that his condition is more severe than first thought. The chef then becomes anxious about his health. However, he can't find time to see a doctor. The stubborn chef is busy cooking in his shop day in and day out. 接下来两天,厨师开始打喷嚏,出汗,但他仍对这些病灶视而不见。又过了几天,他开始发抖,打颤,腹痛不止;胳膊上的红点开始流血。他浑身乏力,没有一丝力气。种种证据均表明他的身体状况比起初料想的更为严重。厨师开始为自己的健康担忧,但却抽不出时间去看医生。这位固执的厨师日复一日的忙着在餐馆掌勺。 Things are getting worse quickly. The red spots have now spread over the chef's whole body. He has a high fever and appears to have difficulty breathing. The chef has to close his cooking shop in the market and stay at home. 状况急转直下。红点蔓延到厨师全身,他浑身发热,呼吸严重不畅。他不得不关了餐馆,停业在家. The chef's fingernails begin to turn black. He feels hopeless as he is aware that "black fingernails show death". The flesh under the red spots also turns to a deep black color and starts to rot. While seeing it, the chef's wife is so terrified that she can't even find a few words of comfort. The chef tries to hold back his sadness so his weeping wife won't worry too much. He becomes unconscious shortly afterwards. The chef is then rushed into a medical ward immediately. Since there are no ambulance aid services yet, he has to be carried on a horse. 厨师的指甲开始变黑。他知道"指甲发黑,死神降临",陷入了绝望之中。红点旁的皮肉也变成了深黑色,并开始腐烂。看着这一切,厨师的妻子惊慌失措,不知道该说些什么来安慰自己的丈夫。厨师尽量抑制自己的悲伤情绪,不想让他那流泪不止的妻子过于担心。之后,他便失去了意识,立即被送进了病房。那时还没有救护车,只能用马匹栽着厨师赶往医院。 After inspecting the chef's body, doctors don't know what caused his disease, and they can't find a cure. The chef takes some prescription drugs, which turn out to be useless. He died shortly of heart failure. 医生给厨师做了检查,但并未找到病因,也无法对症下药。厨师服用了些处方药,但却无济于事。很快,他就死于心力衰竭。 While expressing sympathy to the sobbing wife, the doctors suggest that the chef's dead body needs to be handled properly in order to prevent this case from developing into a public health incident. The doctors are puzzled. They have never seen a case quite like this one. Even the dead man's bones are now turning black. 厨师的妻子啜泣不止,医生对她深表同情,并建议她好好处理厨师的尸体,以避免该病例演变为一个公共健康事件。医生们从未见过类似病历,他们感到困惑不解,就连厨师的尸骨也在变黑。 Following the doctor's advice, the chef's wife buries the chef's body deeply in the ground without arranging a funeral, along with the bed sheets that he has used recently. Meanwhile, the flea-carrying mouse is still wandering in the neighborhood. 厨师的妻子听从了医生的建议,没有举行葬礼,将厨师的尸体连同他最近盖过的床单一起深埋了。与此同时,那只带着跳蚤的老鼠仍在附近四处徘徊。