Chapter12 Life during college

Chapter12 Life during college

2023-05-22    01'59''

主播: 心妞妞

348 1

中英文台词: Feeling ashamed and embarrassed about the entire stealing incident that happened during his adolescent years, the young man has had difficulty developing a close personal relationship with anyone, except his grandma, in his youth and later years of his life. He feels he can trust no one. Partly for the same reason, he works on his own and never consults other people. 青少年时期经历的行窃事件,让少年感到羞愧难堪。在他年轻的时候以及之后的生活中,少年很难与除奶奶之外的任何人建立起亲密的个人关系。他不相信任何人。他独自工作,从不咨询别人的意见,部分也是缘由于此。 At the age of eighteen, the young man is admitted to a college diploma programme, on the recommendation of his uncle, who has also studied there. 18岁时,在舅舅的引荐下,少年收到了大学录取通知书——舅舅也曾就读于这所大学。 To pay his way through college, he obtains some form of assistance such as allowances and lower school fees during his period of study by doing servant work. He works as a tutor for younger kids, and sometimes, as a waiter in a licensed pub for tips. 为了能支付开支完成学业,少年求学间隙会做仆从,挣些津贴,他还申请到了学费部分减免,得到了些资助。除此之外,他还给小孩辅导功课,有时还会到正规营业酒馆做服务员,挣点小费。 Three years later, the young man submits an application for a scholarship that is awarded to only a few students per year. He succeeds in receiving the scholarship, which makes it possible for him to study three more years after getting his bachelor degree. 三年后,他递交了奖学金申请表,每年,奖学金得主寥寥无几。他成功地申请到了奖学金,这样一来,他就可以在拿到学士学位后再继续攻读三年。 Sometimes he is not satisfied with the traditional approach to instruction, which has a passive nature at certain points. Therefore, he often attends lectures and seminar sessions that are beyond his normal curriculum contents. 有时,他对传统的授课方式感到不满,从某种程度来说,传统授课方式过于被动。于是,他便常去参加讲座、研讨会,学习常规课程内容之外的知识。 The young man distinguishes himself by his acute intelligence. He spends all his mental energy going beyond his natural abilities of human comprehension. 这位年轻人凭借出众的智商脱颖而出。他为研究事业奉献出毕生智力,不断突破人类的认知极限。 His name is Sir Isaac Newton. 他是艾萨克•牛顿爵士。