

2016-04-15    13'23''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英文学习笔记: The Pursuit of Happiness 《当幸福来敲门》 hit or miss 不确定的 cut out for it 天生合适 self made 白手起家 Some examples of people who really went from rags to riches: 在美国,一些人白手起家的例子: Howard Schultz, the guy is worth $2B today, he’s the CEO and founder of Starbucks. He was raised in Brooklyn in the really bad part of town. 霍华德•舒尔茨,当前身价为2亿美元,他身为星巴克的CEO和创始人。从小就生活在布鲁克林一个比较贫穷的地方。 Oprah Winfrey - 2.9B She was raised by a single parent in times when racism was a much bigger problem than it is today. 奥普拉•温弗瑞(美国著名的脱口秀主持人)——身价2.9亿美元。她自小在一个单亲家庭长大,而且那个时候的种族主义比现在严重多了。 Obama president - single parent home. 奥巴马总统同样也来自一个单亲家庭。 Is entrepreneurial spirt a positive influence on people in America? 企业家的精神对于当今的美国来说,有什么好的影响吗? Being an entrepreneur requires so much natural talent that if you are pushing your child to do this when he’s really not cut out for it, he’ll always be a failure. 成为一个企业家需要一些天赋,如果你强迫你孩子做一个他并不擅长的事情,那失败就是必然的。