英闻新闻 | 风靡ins的巧克力面膜

英闻新闻 | 风靡ins的巧克力面膜

2017-01-18    03'37''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

551 108

「微信」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: gelatin ['dʒelətɪn] n. 凝胶 cocoa [ˈkoʊkoʊ] n. 可可 neem 印楝 garnered ['ɡɑːrnər] v. 储藏 cosmetic [kɑːz'metɪk] adj. 化妆用的 temporary ['tempəreri] adj. 临时的 hydration [haɪ'dreɪʃn] n. 水合作用 dermatologist [ˌdɜːrmə'tɑːlədʒɪst] n. 皮肤学者 flavonoid ['fleɪvənɔɪd] n. 类黄酮 inactivate [ɪn'æktɪv] v. 使...失去活性 breakout ['breɪkaʊt] v. 爆发/发疹 原文对照: Instagram star and beauty blogger Habiba recently posted a face mask that's basically made out of nutella. She uses gelatin, milk, cocoa powder, and neem honey, which she peels off her face once dry. Instagram明星及秀丽博主哈比芭最近晒出了主要用能多益巧克力酱制成的面膜。她混合了凝胶、牛奶、可可粉和印楝蜂蜜,待这些物质变干后就把它们从脸部撕下。 Since posting, the video has garnered over 200,000 views, but is it worth it? According to cosmetic chemist Ginger King, the mask won't offer benefits other than temporary hydration from the honey and milk. 视频发出后已经获得了20多万的点击量,但是这样真的有效吗?化妆品化学家金杰·金认为这种面膜除了能从蜂蜜和牛奶中获得短暂的水合效应外,其他对皮肤没有任何好处。 Dermatologist Debra Jaliman says that cocoa is high in flavonoids, which can inactivate skin-damaging free radicals, but otherwise won't cure a breakout. 皮肤科医生狄波拉说可可粉富含类黄酮,能够使破坏皮肤的自由基失去活性,但除此之外并无大用。