

2017-04-28    14'20''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: Sign of the times —— Harry Styles Just stop your crying 快停止你的哭泣 t:弱读 It's a sign of the times 是时候了 连读:it's a /sign of Welcome to the final show 欢迎来到这最后的秀场 Hope you're wearing your best clothes 希望你盛装打扮 You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky 天堂之门不轻易为人而开 bribe [braɪb] v. 贿赂 You look pretty good down here 你看起来棒极了 失去爆破:look pretty / good down But you ain't really good 但你还不是最好的 连读:but you We never learn, we been here before 我们从不记得,我们曾一起经历过的 Why are we always stuck and running from 不知为什么我们被困在原地,无法逃离 连读:always stuck and The bullets? 无法逃离这枪林弹雨的险境 The bullets 这枪林弹雨的险境 Just stop crying 快停止你的哭泣 Have the time of your life 抓紧你生命的每一秒 连读:time of Breaking through the atmosphere 突出重围 And things are pretty good from here 而从这一刻开始,你的世界会变得美好 连读:things a Remember everything will be alright 坚信一切都会好起来的 We can meet again somewhere 我们终会相遇在某个地方 连读:meet again Somewhere far away from here 在远离这一切是非之地