「Dragon Boat Festival」端午节的英文居然还可以这么说?

「Dragon Boat Festival」端午节的英文居然还可以这么说?

2017-05-30    11'15''

主播: 早安英文

3890 116

「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: summer solstice 夏至 the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时代 Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节 Duanwu Festival 端午节 Zhongxiao Festival 忠孝节 Double Fifth Festival 重五,双五节 hang calamus and moxa 挂菖蒲和艾叶 hang pictures of Zhong Kui 挂钟馗画 dragon boat race 赛龙舟 eat zongzi or rice dumpling or traditional Chinese rice-pudding 吃粽子 drink realgar wine 喝雄黄酒 the traditional Chinese calendar / lunar calendar 农历 ----------------- It occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar. 端午节是农历的五月初五。 I really like the zongzi with meat and beans in it. 我特别喜欢包肉和豆子的粽子。 I like the zongzi with egg yolk. 我喜欢包蛋黄的粽子。