

2017-06-02    10'27''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: 《Love will set you free》—— Kodaline I'm sure you're probably busy getting on with your new life 我确信你可能已经又开始忙碌你的新生活了 So far away from 时过境迁 So far away from 离过去已经那么远了 probably:[‘prɑːbəbli] adv:大概,或许 get on with : 取得进展 When everything we used to say was wrong is now alright 即使过去因无知所说过的话 现在看起来也并没有那么重要了 Where has the time gone 时间都去哪儿了 Where has the time gone 时间都去哪儿了 爆破:used to 连读:wrong is If you're ever feeling lonely 你是否也被孤独拥抱 If you're ever feeling down 而失望也向你涌来 You should know you're not the only one cause i feel it with you now 你应该明白 我和你感同身受 因为我们都是一样的人啊 the only 连读:feel it When the world is on your shoulders and you're falling to your knees 当你心力交瘁快要跪地屈服 Oh please, 亲爱的啊 You know love will set you free 你知道爱会让你放下一切而获得自由 连读:world is on 连读:set you —————- I took a long and lonely walk up to an empty house 我走过孤苦漫长的路来到空无一人的房子 连读:took a long and 连读:walk up/an empty That's where i've come from 那是我的归宿 Where have you come from 你的归宿又是哪里呢? The more i live the more i know i've got to live without 时间越久经历越多我反而明白其实我一无所有 But this ain't no sad song 但这不是一首悲伤的歌 Life has to go on 生活不得不继续 the more…the more…. 越。。。越。。 ain’t 缩略语