

2017-06-14    10'16''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: etiquette ['ɛtɪkɛt] n. 礼节,礼仪 fit in 适应,适合 be allergic to sth 对…过敏 take cues from sb 把某人的行为或者反应作为自己的参照或者指南 ---------- Yes, it’s important in both professional and social situations. And there may be some slight variations depending on your region and what is locally acceptable. 不管是在职场啊,社交场合,都挺重要的。而且不同的地方这个餐桌礼仪还有点儿不同。 Yes, using chopsticks took a bit of getting used to! I had never used them before I came to china, so I knew I’d have to learn fast. My first week in Beijing, I dropped a lot of food (luckily in my bowl or tray) just before I reached my mouth! As I love to eat and was really enjoying the new tastes and flavors, it was a little infuriating to say the least, but after my time spent here I can now pick up peanuts with them, even after a few drinks haha. 是的!用筷子真的需要习惯!我来中国之前从来没有用过筷子,所以我知道我得快些学。我在北京的第一周,经常就是食物夹到嘴边然后就掉了(幸运的是一般都掉在了碗和盘子里)!我很喜欢吃,很喜欢食物的味道,所以我真的有点恼火。但是待了这么久之后,现在,我已经能用筷子夹花生了,甚至是在喝了点小酒的情况下。 In terms of knife and fork etiquette, there isn’t a whole lot to remember unless you wish to be very polite to the company your in. The main things to remember are always use the knife to cut the food, don’t tear away pieces of food with your fork. (as my father was keen to remind me!) Also 90% of people hold their fork in their left hand, I’m one of the 10% however haha, we call this being "kak handed". Lastly and most importantly, when you finish your meal place your knife and fork together across your plate, this signifies you don’t wish to eat anymore. 说到刀叉礼仪,没有太多需要注意的地方,除非你需要表现得特别特别礼貌。最需要记住的是,用刀切食物,永远不要用叉子去撕扯食物。(我爸总是这么叮嘱我!)另外,90%的人都是左手拿叉子,但是我是另外那10%里面的,哈哈,我们管这个叫“左撇子”。最后也是最重要的,当你吃完了之后,把刀和叉一起放在你的盘子上面,这样就表示你不准备再吃了。 It’s not always so that dishes must follow a three course rule, only if you are hosting people to a full "sit down meal”. Most normal meals will skip the appetizer or "starter" and just have a main and dessert. 并不总是如此,并不是每顿饭都要遵循“三部曲”,除非你是邀请了别人好好坐下来吃顿饭。通常我们都会跳过前菜,只有主食和甜点。