知道吗?Big beer 可不是「大啤酒」的意思!

知道吗?Big beer 可不是「大啤酒」的意思!

2017-06-26    10'22''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- big beer 指酒精度数高的啤酒,又叫strong beer bottle ['bɑtl] n. 瓶子;一瓶的容量 pitcher ['pɪtʃɚ] n. 投手;大水罐 bartender ['bɑrtɛndɚ] n. 酒保 a pitcher of 一罐、一壶 ------------------ English drinking rules are quite easy to follow in actual fact. First of all always return a "cheers" with a "cheers" back and take a sip of your drink. Don’t worry. You don’t have to finish your drink in this situation however! 在现实中,英国的饮酒规则很容易遵循,首先总是要喝一杯“干杯”,喝一口你的饮料,不要担心在这种情况下你不需要喝完你的饮料 Secondly, when pouring a beer for a friend, always tilt the glass and pour slowly to avoid lots of foam or a "head" on the beer. 第二点,就是说你给朋友倒酒的时候啊,要把被子倾斜过来,慢慢倒,大家知道这样就不会倒出来太多泡沫。 Lastly, English people generally take turns to buy drinks for everyone. This is called a “round”. This way everyone pays for the same amount of drinks but goes to the bar less. 最后,英国人通常都会轮流着给整桌人买酒。我们叫做”round”。因为这样的话,每个人付的钱还是差不多但是大家可能少跑几次吧台。 Can we get one more round? 我们每个人再来一杯。再一轮。 And there is one more thing you need to you. When the pub is around half an hour from closing, the barman will ring a bell once signifying that you must order your last drink. then when there is ten minutes left he or she will ring twice, signifying you cannot order any more drinks and must finish your current one. 最后一点,就是这个酒吧在离打烊还有半个小时的时候,这个酒保就会响一次铃,告诉大家,再要点酒水就快点啦,还有半小时就关门儿啦。然后呢,再离关门还有十分钟的时候,它会响两次铃,那么这个就意味着,你已经不能再点了,并且要赶快喝完还没有喝完的酒了。