

2017-06-29    09'36''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 dentist ['dɛntɪst] n.牙医 toothache ['tuθek] n. 牙痛 headache [ˈhɛdˌek] n.头痛 backache [ˈbækˌeɪk] n.背痛 swollen ['swolən] adj. 肿胀的,浮肿的 cavity ['kævəti] n. 蛀牙 floss [flɔs] n.牙线 mouthwash ['maʊθwɔʃ] n.漱口水 wisdom teeth 智齿 ------------------ Today,we are going to talk about one of the least favorite places of many many people. 今天我们要谈论一个很大一部分人都很怕去的一个地方。 So tell me, what seems to be the problem? 告诉我,你怎么了? I've got a really bad toothache! 我的牙特别疼! I can't eat anything, and look, my face is all swollen. 我没办法吃任何东西,脸也肿了。 A liquid that is used to clean your mouth and teeth and to make your breath smell better。 ​就是一种用来清除牙垢的液体,让你保持口气清新。