

2017-09-21    06'57''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: I am a bit short on cash. Can I borrow five bucks? 最近手头有点紧。能借我五美元吗? Come on, I’ll pay you back on Tuesday. 拜托啦,我周二就还你。 I promise if you lend me five dollars today, I will repay you in full next week. 我保证你今天借我五美元,我下周一定一分不少地还你。 No problem, I will spot you the cash. 没问题,我借你钱。 In order to get a loan, you have to sign over your house as collateral. 为了贷款,你不得不抵押你的房子。 If you have no collateral, it’s hard to get a loan. 如果你没有东西作为抵押的话,是很难贷到款的。 Now here is 20 bucks, next week just pay me 30 back, plus ten dollars for interest. 我借你20美元,下个周你得还我30,10美元作为利息。