

2017-11-09    07'28''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- lip implants 丰唇 indoor tanning 室内美黑 facial contouring 面部重塑 liposuction 抽脂 Hyaluronic Acid 玻尿酸 Botox 瘦脸针 eyebrow tattoo 纹眉/eyeliner tattoo 纹眼线 hair removal 脱毛 ___________________________ What do you think about plastic surgery - you know, like lip implants? 你是怎么看待医疗美容的,像丰唇这种? I think it depends on what kind of plastic surgery it is. Like lip implants, I don’t really understand it. 我觉得这个取决于是什么医疗美容项目,像丰唇这种我就真的无法理解。 Girls now are becoming more and more conscious of their looks and are willing to go to great lengths to enhance them. 女孩们越来越注重自己的外貌,并且竭尽全力地改善它。 It involves altering the shape of the face by shaving and removing bone from the cheeks, jaw and chin. 面部重塑是通过削薄你颌部和下巴的骨头来改变你的脸型。 Liposuction is no substitute for exercise and a proper diet. 抽脂取代不了运动和适当的饮食 It's just like some minor maintenance. 就像日常保养一样。 Hyaluronic Acid is a highly effective moisturizer, locking in moisture and replenishing skin elasticity and tension. 玻尿酸具有非常强效的保湿因子,锁住肌肤水分,重现肌肤紧致与弹力。 Do you think she's been botoxed? 你觉得她是不是打过瘦脸针?