NO.235 中医英语词汇一分钟小课堂(19):Dislocation-Dwarfism

NO.235 中医英语词汇一分钟小课堂(19):Dislocation-Dwarfism

2017-01-16    01'28''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

746 9

国医之声-中医英语词汇一分钟小课堂(19) 1.Dislocation n. 脱位,脱臼 Disorder of Liver Qi n. 肝气不舒 Dispersed Complexion n. 色散(指病人面色疏散,多见于新病) Displacement n. 移位,错位 Dissection n. 解剖 Distending Pain n. 胀痛 Distortion n. 扭曲, 变形 Disturbance in Ascending And Descending n. 升降失常 Divergent Channel of Hand-Yangming n. 手阳明经别 Dizziness n. 眩晕;Vertigo 眩晕,cerebral vertigo,cervical vertigo   Dizziness and Vertigo : When you're dizzy, you may feel lightheaded or lose your balance. If you feel that the room is spinning旋转, you have vertigo. Domination of Pathogen over Vital-qi n. 邪胜正衰 Downward Flow of Damp-heat n. 湿热下注 Dreamfulness n. 喜梦,多梦 Dripping Urine n. 小便滴沥 Drug Allergy n. 药烦(药物过敏) Drug Contraindication n. 药忌 Dry Cough n. 干咳 Dwarfism n. 侏儒