话题卡—Your Studies

话题卡—Your Studies

2015-05-17    03'14''

主播: 魔鬼在尖叫

6008 157

2.Your Studies --Do you work or are you a student?What subjects are you studying? --I’ m a student at the moment.I’m studying at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.I am majoring in Media Studies so with media studies I’m learning about film production. We have got to make movies, like action movies and documentaries and we also do producing, scriptwriting or editing, as aspects of media production. --Why do you choose to study this subject? --Well, when I graduated from high school, I don’t really know what I wanted to do and I thought media production sounded pretty cool. I could make movies. Then, I thought being in the movie industry, you get to meet lots of interesting people and celebrities, maybe some nice actresses or some cool actors and things like that. --Do many students in your country study that subject? --Not exactly, they prefer subjects such as accounting and computer science which are more practical thus more desirable and competitive in the job market. --Why did you choose that universtiy? --I chose Guangdong University of Foreign Studies because it has a good reputation for internationalization of education,the teachers there are excellent and open-minded. Also,I met students who were studying there and they really recommended it to me. --What did you plan to do after you finish your studies? --I plan to apply for a master degree in financial engineering and then further my education. After the master’s, hopefully never again and then I hope to be running a hedge fund in the near future. --Did you like your first day at university? --Yeah, I did appreciate it a lot. I was pretty proud that I could enter one of the best universities in China and I was excited about discovering new things because everything seemed to be so differrent from what I had imagined: modern buildings, fantastic facilities and roommates from all over the country. That was great! --Do you think the first day at university is important? --Yeah, when you have a good start, your will feel much more confident of yourself and you are less likely to suffer from psychological problems like homesickness.