

2016-12-14    11'24''

主播: 蟋蟀英语Rick老师

94 1

31 Shopping in a Shop There is a shop near Tim's home. It's not very big. It opens at 8:00 in the morning. It sells many things -- exercise books, rulers, milk, apples, bananas, oranges and pens. The apples are 2 dollars a kilo. The bananas are 3 dollars a kilo. People in this shop are very friendly. Tim's mother and father usually go there on Sundays. Tim never goes there because he finds shopping tiring. They want to buy pants and socks this week. "How much are these socks?" His mother asks. "3 dollars a pair." The shop girl answers." "Quite cheap," his mother says, "I'll take two pairs." 提姆家附近有家商店。商店不算大。它每天早上8点开门。那里卖的东西非常多——练习本、尺子、牛奶、苹果、香蕉、橘子和钢笔。苹果每千克2美元,而香蕉每千克3美元。商店里面的人非常友好。提姆的妈妈和爸爸经常在星期天去那里购物。提姆从来不去,因为他觉得购物很累人。他们这个星期想买裤子和袜子。“这些袜子多少钱?”妈妈问。“3美元一双。”商店女售货员回答。“很便宜呀,”妈妈说,“我要两双。” open ['əʊpən] vi. 营业 exercise ['eksə(r)saɪz] n. 练习 kilo ['kiːləʊ] n. 千克 tiring [taɪərɪŋ] adj. 令人疲倦的 pant [pænt] n. 裤子 quite [kwaɪt] adv. 很 蟋蟀教育微信公众号:8点英语 老师微信号:13661633986 欢迎真心想学好英语的童鞋们添加,一起加油!