

2017-04-16    04'42''

主播: 蟋蟀英语Rick老师

194 6

39 Would You Mind Singing in a Quieter Tone 你可以小声一点唱歌吗 Jack is an engineer who always reads books in the evening. He is used to quiet environment and hates noise. Recently, a young man moved into the neighboring apartment of Jack's. The young man was very friendly and went to visit Jack the day he moved in. On that night, Jack heard the new neighbour was singing songs and playing guitar loudly. He couldn't concentrate on his book, but he decided to bear it. But before long, Jack found his neighbour sing songs every night. After thinking over and over, he decided to talk to his nejghbour frankly. So, he went to his neighbour's apartment and said,“You really have a good voice. But would you mind singing in a quieter tone?” 中文翻译 杰克是一名工程师,他喜欢晚上看书。他习惯于安静的环境,讨厌嘈杂。近日,一个年轻人搬进了他隔壁的那套公寓。这个年轻人非常友好,在搬来的第一天就拜访了杰克。 那天晚上,杰克听到他的邻居在大声地唱歌弹吉他。他无法专注看书,但他还是决定忍着。可是不久后,杰克发现他的邻居每晚都会唱歌。想来想去,他决定跟他的邻居坦率地谈一谈这个问题。于是,他去了邻居的公寓,说:“你的声音真的很好听。但你可以小声一点唱歌吗? 重点单词 engineer /,endʒ'niə (r)/n.工程师 recently/'ri:sntli] adv.最近 apartment /ə'pa:tmənt/ n.公寓 concentrate /'kɔnsntreit/ vi.聚精会神 frankly /'fræŋkli/ adv..坦率地