【Recent news】战狼Ⅱ

【Recent news】战狼Ⅱ

2017-08-17    13'32''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

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获取更多资讯,欢迎关注新浪微博@新联学院英语教育广播电台 主播: 李姣 Joy 节目配文: 大家好,这里是新联学院英语广播电台,我是主播Joy! “一朝为战狼,终生为战狼”想必大家听到节目的片头音乐就已经想到了最近火热的由吴京导演和主演的战狼2,《战狼2》被吴京赋予了深刻的个性标签,无论是情感的全心投入,还是动作戏的精彩十足,无论是战争的强大背景,还是军事类型题材的拓展,都给予太多的个人魅力。自编,自导,自演,甚至还在影片中自唱插曲,不仅展现了硬汉特质,同样最柔情一刻也令人潸然泪下。一个男人不是因为拥有强大的内心才敢尝试,而是因为太热爱,才让这样的影片更加的纯粹。 传统的华语功夫和动作片,都是贴身肉搏的。吴京饰演的冷锋这个角色,爱人失踪、被迫退伍,可以说是遭遇了人生的最低谷,但他却从来都没有放弃过自己的信念。他依然有着一颗拳拳赤子心,依然愿意为了自己的职责拼命战斗。《战狼2》都是真枪实弹,拳拳到肉,没有太多特效,一切都是彻彻底底的真实再现。这是继承了传统华语功夫和动作电影的精髓,也是属于我们自己的特色。 以下影评摘自《Los Angeles Times》 Despite some spectacular fight scenes, writer-director-star Wu Jing’s explosive military adventure “Wolf Warrior 2” will likely interest American audiences more for cultural reasons than as entertainment. If nothing else, it’s fascinating to see a film so closely mimic big-budget Hollywood war pictures, but from an opposing sociopolitical perspective. ①尽管不乏精彩的动作场面,但由吴京编剧、导演并主演的火爆军事题材冒险片《战狼2》更有可能因为文化因素,而非娱乐因素吸引美国的观众们。②如果再没有其他理由的话,至少看一部如此贴近地模仿高成本好莱坞战争影片也是一件挺有趣儿的事儿,更何况是来自于截然不同的社会政治视角呢。 Wu returns to the role he originated in 2015’s “Wolf Warrior,” playing Leng Feng, a loose cannon Chinese soldier who takes on special missions around the world. In the sequel he finds himself in an unnamed African country protecting medical aid workers from local rebels and vicious arms dealers. ③吴京回归了他在2015年创作的电影《战狼》中的角色,扮演冷锋——一名在世界范围内执行特殊任务的我行我素的中国士兵。④在续作中,他身处非洲无名国家,保护医疗救护人员免遭当地反叛军和凶残的军火商的伤害。 The movie’s rudimentary plot involves the hero taking a semi-romantic interest in a pretty young doctor (Celina Jade) while standing up against a ruthless American mercenary (Frank Grillo). Roughly every five minutes, the story is interrupted by an elaborate action sequence. ⑤该片的基本剧情包含两方面:一是男主角与年轻貌美的医生(卢靖姗饰)的感情暗线;二是男主角奋起反抗残忍的美国雇佣兵(Frank Grillo 饰)。⑥大概每过五分钟,剧情中就会穿插一段精心设计的动作戏。 Though the digital effects look fake, the stuntwork is routinely eye-popping: underwater kung fu, a cat-and-mouse between Leng and an armed drone, and a climactic tank battle that sends rubble flying around leaping bodies. But while “Wolf Warrior 2” is blandly generic more often than not, there’s something bracing about its patriotic fervor, which asserts that the Chinese will act in the best interests of the world’s downtrodden, while the rest of the world just exploits them. It’s instructive to recognize the presumptions we’re used to finding in American blockbusters, but with the heroes and villains reversed. 《战狼2》毫无疑问已经成为一个现象级的电影,注定在中国影史留下浓墨重彩的一笔。今天我就从影片中挑选了几句我印象深刻的台词,进行翻译和解读。让咱们一起回顾一下那些感人的场景。 1. Once a wolf warrior, always a wolf warrior. 一朝为战狼,终生是战狼! 2. 你是双手是用来救人的,不是杀人的 Your hands are for saving lives, not taking lives. 3. God chooses to stand on our side. 上帝选择站在我们这一边。 4. Blood for blood. 血债血偿! 6. 有些伟大的民族,你永远不能低估。 You can never underestimate some great nations! 虽然中国人外表看着不如白人高大威猛,但我们骨子里有坚韧、勤奋和聪明的基因。 7. 中华人民共和国公民:当你在海外遭遇危险,不要放弃!请记住,在你身后,有一个强大的祖国! Citizens of the People’s Republic of China: When you encounter danger overseas, do not give up! Please remember, a strong motherland always backs you up! 8. 哪有什么岁月静好,不过是有人替我们负重前行! There’s no such thing as a peaceful world. We feel like so because someone take on the burdens. 9. 这个世界并不和平,我们只是生活在一个和平的国家。 This is not a peaceful world. It’s just we live in a peaceful country. 10. If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for. He isn’t fit to live.