【听歌学英语】let her go

【听歌学英语】let her go

2018-03-04    10'48''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

467 4

主播:Cynthia 编辑部: 张艺晓 Hi, everyone. Here is Campus Radio Service. I'm your new friend Cynthia. It's time to learn some knowledge through listening a euphonious song with me. Do you remember the former song's name? Thus, does that song still fascinate you? You could review the broadcast if you don't remember very clearly. Today let's enjoy Let Her Go. 初听这首民族流行乐曲,感受到歌者嗓音之独特,使人印象更深刻的,是全曲渲染出的悲伤的氛围。通过歌声,传达出对爱情的迷恋,令人感叹不已,也饱含哀婉,让人为之惋惜。 One of the band's members called Mike released the album after the band was split up. It was arranged by Passenger and Chris Vallejo. The multitude of instruments and voice are used in the song. In addition, acoustic guitar, piano, drum, bass and strings were also could been found in it. The melodic line is G magic, which made the tune more sweet-sounding or we could experience the singer's sorrow deeper. Some knew it was love only after they lost each other. The other missed old days happiness only after they fell apart. Though we all know how to write cherish across the paper, we don't know how to show our thankful to life. Life is more than learning. We should learn how to love, how to convey it or how to let love make us get what we need. Love is unanswered. We could improve ourselves and encourage the other to do as us. After all, good love makes lovers turn to be more excellent persons and become closer to the one they wanna be. 这首歌的MV很独特,没有描绘歌者想要表达的对歌词的理解,几乎可以说是与这首歌完全无关,但又息息相关,因为它见证了歌者对这首歌的付出,让我们来了解一下: The MV was made by video artist named Dave Jenson from Australia and a director called Tavic. It recorded Passenger came back and some cameras in a concert and all kinds of the reactions that audience gave. It attested Passenger's provision to this concert and its strong response. Plainly, the concert got fulfilling result. All the people had a well feeling after it. They sang songs or danced to express their pleasure. 这首歌曲是英国民谣创作歌手Passenger第三张专辑All The Little Lights的第二支单曲,发行于2012年7月24日。本曲数字版在英国销量突破百万,并于2014年7月在美国创下了400万的销量纪录。2014年得到全英音乐奖年度最佳单曲奖提名。 We must have done thousands of things that made us regretful now. Maybe about our skinship, friendship or love. Many singers have sang about love's wonderful, many writers have written love's romantic fantasies and many persons have imagined love's arrive. But little people could finish their long courtship and get married. They may do so many disappointment thing that they could only miss the good old days at last. It is easy to see Passenger's feeling in the lyrics. Let's get a taste of them: Only know you love her when you let her go, 只有在让她走之后才始知那是真爱, Staring at the ceiling in the dark。 繁星满天 你痴痴的望着天花板。 仅仅把Let Her Go定义为对逝去爱情的吟唱无疑是偏颇的,在忧伤的曲调中,我们的脑海中可能会不断闪过一些图景,日薄西山的红日、安放不了梦想的故乡、渐行渐远的父母、曾经无所不谈的挚友、也有在逐梦途中不知不觉遗忘的初衷……可能我们一直知道自己拥有什么,只是以为永远不会失去。这首歌在结尾的处理上很独特,伴奏慢慢淡去,只剩下人声,好像繁华落去,只剩下一个孤单的影子在垂泪叹息。只要生命还没有结束,我们还能用未来的日子弥补生命的遗憾。 Love is beauty obviously. At the same time, the thing more beauty, we may been hurt more. Both of the lovers would be disillusion with love. The only thing that they can do is regretting to what they have done before. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. We should think about what we should do. However, love has no answers. Everyone has his or her own thoughts to love. The basic things between lovers are honest, confidence, loyalty and any other important factors. Each coin has two sides. The lovers should become better after their meet and keep the negative side away. The song is pleasant to here,isn't?By the way,have you get some practical information this time?Thanks for listening.Let's look forward to the following song.See you next week.