

2020-05-22    05'56''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1522 7

Before you set out exploring the mysterious mountain city of Machu Picchu, the floating villages of Lake Titicaca and the tropical treasures of the Amazon jungle, 在您出发前往神秘的马丘比丘山城、的的喀喀湖的水上村庄以及亚马逊热带雨林的宝藏之前, discover the striking contrasts of Peru’s coastal capital Lima. 不妨来秘鲁沿海的首都利马。 Ancient and modern… rich and poor… fascinating and entertaining… practical and elegant: Lima is a city of contrasts. 古老与时尚...富裕与贫穷...迷人又富有情趣...务实与典雅,利马正是一个如此对比鲜明的城市。 Almost a third of all Peruvians call this sprawling metropolis home and they live in everything from modern high-rise condos to humble hill-top shacks. 近三分之一的秘鲁人居住于这个错综复杂的大都市,他们的住所也充满了对比,有些住在高级时尚的公寓,有些则屈居于山上简陋的小屋。 The painted façades burst with color in summer… but this image is paled by the fog that rises from the Pacific Ocean in winter. 建筑物外墙的颜色在夏季格外鲜艳夺目,但在冬季则会因太平洋水汽形成的薄雾笼罩而失去色彩。 In this ever-changing city you can find a new surprise at every turn. All you have to do is prepare your senses. 在这个日新月异的城市,只需用心领会便可随时发现惊喜之处。 Along the boulevards of Central Lima you’ll be immersed in the sounds of chaotic traffic, while quiet benches await in coastal parks. 您会在利马中央的大道上,被车水马龙的各式声音所淹没,而静谧的海滩就在不远处的海边公园恭候您。 Everywhere you go in Lima you can feel the hot desert sun warm your skin, and at the same time taste the salty sea air. 走在利马的任何角落,您都可以感受到炙热的阳光洒在您的身上,空气中还会有扑面而来的海水的咸味。 Stroll over the Bridge of Sighs, a legendary place of forbidden romance between a wealthy girl and a handsome street sweeper. 漫步叹息桥,这里流传着富家女和英俊清道夫被世俗拆散的爱情故事。 Rich or poor, all Peruvians find common ground in the city’s many public parks. 不论贫穷与富裕,所有的秘鲁人都能在众多的公园中找到属于自己的小天地。 It’s in modern neighborhoods like this that you almost forget that Lima was built on the ruined pyramids and temples of ancient civilizations. 漫步在这个现代时尚的地区,会让您差点忘了利马可是建在古文明金字塔遗迹和庙宇之上。 Yet, in its heart you can retrace the steps of the Lima people in Huaca Pucllana, a place of ceremony and sacrifice from around 1,500 years ago. 在市中心的胡亚卡普拉纳遗址,可以追溯利马人往昔的足迹,1500年前这里曾是举行各种仪式和祭典的地方。 Indigenous Peruvians still observe the rituals and beliefs of their forefathers, despite being devout Catholics today. 尽管秘鲁的原住民们如今已是虔诚的天主教徒,他们仍然遵守着祖先的礼仪和信仰。 Don’t forget, Lima is the perfect stepping stone to the many natural, cultural and historic treasures that Peru is so famous for. 不要忘了,利马是前往秘鲁探索许多自然、文化和历史珍宝的理想落脚点。 Take your pick from coastal deserts… lush rainforests…. fertile altiplanos…. and snow-capped mountains to see the many faces of Peru. 您可以透过沿海的沙漠,茂密的雨林、肥沃的高地以及白雪皑皑的高山来尽情饱览秘鲁的不同面貌。