E35 The Ass and His Purchaser(驴和买主)

E35 The Ass and His Purchaser(驴和买主)

2020-06-25    02'55''

主播: 粤语百分百

634 4

The 'Ass↗ and His 'Purchaser A 'man wished to purchase an 'Ass, and a'greed↗ with its 'owner / that he should 'try 'out the animal / before he 'bought him↘. He 'took the Ass 'home / and 'put him in the s'table with his 'other Asses, upon 'which the 'new animal left 'all the others / and im'mediately chose a 'place↗ next to the 'laziest and 'greediest beast↘. 'Seeing 'this↗, the 'man put a 'halter on him / and 'led him back to his owner↘. On being asked 'how, in 'so short a time, he 'could have made a 'trial of him, he 'answered↗, “I do 'not need a trial; I 'know / that he will be 'just the same as the 'one he 'chose for his com'panion↘.” A 'man is 'known by the 'company he keeps↘.