The Little Prince(chapter19)

The Little Prince(chapter19)

2016-08-19    04'19''

主播: The End_

35 2

强迫症重度患者~就算章节再短也不愿合并放在一起 chapter19 After that, the little prince climbed a high mountain. The only mountains he had ever known were the three volcanoes, which came up to his kness. And he used the extinct volcano as a footstool. "From a moutain as high as this one," he said to himself, "I shall be able to see the whole planet at one glance, and all the people..." But he saw nothing, save peaks of rock that were sharpened like needles. "Good morning," he said courteously. "Good morning--Good morning--Good morning," answered the echo. "Who are you?" said the little prince. "Who are you--Who are you--Who are you?" answered the echo. "Be my friend. I am all alone" he said. "I am all alone--all alone--all alone," answered the echo. "What a queer planet!" he thought. "It is altogether dry, and altogether pointed, and altogether harsh and forbidding. And the people have no imagination. They repeat whatever one says to them... On my planet I had a flower; she always was the first to speak..." 于是,小王子爬上了一座高山,他唯一见过的山就是他的那三座火山,而他们仅仅是到他的膝盖,他经常把那座休眠火山拿来当脚凳。"在这么高的山上,“小王子自言自语,”我只要瞥一眼,就能看完整个星球,还有所有的人......“ 但是他什么也没有看见。除了像针那样陡峭锋利的山峰。 “早上好,”他很有礼貌。 “早上好......早上好......早上好,”这是回音。 “你是谁?”小王子说。” “你是谁......你是谁......你是谁?” “做我的朋友吧,我很孤独”他说。 “我很孤独......孤独......孤独,” “真是个奇怪的星球!”他想。“所有的东西都那么干燥,那么尖,而且又很粗糙,又森严。而且这里的人没有一点想象力,他们只会重复你跟他们说的话......在我的星球,我那朵花,每次都是她先开口说话......“