哈利波特7 The Forest Again 片段

哈利波特7 The Forest Again 片段

2016-07-23    02'35''

主播: A·M

192 7

这是霍格沃茨大战后Harry孤身去禁林见伏地魔之前与父母和小天狼星,卢平的影像的对话的片段描写,英语读得不标准或者有待进步的地方欢迎指出和纠正,大家一起学习和进步😊,下次如果有时间,再选一段较长的片段描写读给大家听。对了,需要英语原著电子书的可以找我哦~如果你特别喜欢哈利波特里的某些感人瞬间,欢迎选取其中的片段让我读给大家听~告诉我第几部哪个片段就好啦😄下面是原文 A chilly breeze that seemed to emanate from the heart of the for- est lifted the hair at Harry’s brow.He knew that they would not tell him to go,that it would have to be his decision. “You’ll stay with me?” “Until the very end,”said James. “They won’t be able to see you?”asked Harry. “We are part of you,”said Sirius.“Invisible to anyone else.” Harry looked at his mother. “Stay close to me,”he said quietly. And he set off.The dementors’chill did not overcome him; he passed through it with his companions,and they acted like Patronuses to him,and together they marched through the old trees that grew closely together,their branches tangled,their roots gnarled and twisted underfoot.Harry clutched the Cloak tightly around him in the darkness,traveling deeper and deeper into the forest,with no idea where exactly Voldemort was,but sure that he would find him.Beside him,making scarcely a sound,walked James,Sirius,Lupin,and Lily,and their presence was his cour- age,and the reason he was able to keep putting one foot in front of the other.