beautiful boy,五年了,看到shane终于走出阴影,我衷心地为他感到高兴

beautiful boy,五年了,看到shane终于走出阴影,我衷心地为他感到高兴

2016-08-04    04'32''

主播: A·M

242 10

出于篇幅限制,不能将英文原版故事搬来给大家,只好用中文讲述一部分,然后再将一些情感深刻用中文无法确切表达的部分还原成英文,有vpn的小伙伴可以上youtube上去看shane的视频It could happen to you.建议大家如果要看这个故事,请循环听这首歌。 What if tragedy struck the one you loved? Would you be prepared? I'm shane. And this is my story. 这是我,我在Montana的一个小镇长大。这是Tom,他在Indiana的一个小镇长大。Tom和我在一起六年了,我们一起做生意,买了房子,一起环游世界。这是JB,我们一起收养了他。五年过去了,我们决定向家人出柜。我的家人很开心我能找到the love of my life.我的侄女很喜欢Tom叔叔。不幸的是,Tom的家人并不支持,他的家人非常愤怒。当Tom回到印第安纳州拜访他父母一起过圣诞节时,他的父亲用枪威胁了他,并在身体上攻击了他,他的母亲告诉他同性恋是一种罪恶,并怪我让他成为了gay.他的母亲说他应该早点告诉他们好让他们为他进行药物治疗。Tom很快离开了在印第安纳州的家人回到了我们在加利福尼亚的家。两年过去,Tom给了我一个订婚戒指,我们发誓当能合法注册时就结婚。 Merry Christmas! Love,Tom. Thank you for all of your love.I would be lost without you by my side.I have a feeling 2011 will change our lives forever! Love forever & always, Tom. Tom was right. Everything did change. Tom and I are no longer together. On May 7,2011… Tom fell from this rooftop… And died. On Mother's Day,Tom's mother flew in to take him back home to Indiana. Even though he no longer considered Indiana his home. I didn't try to stop her. We had to wait for the coroner to release Tom's body… During which time,his mother began asking about his bank accounts. She suggested I pay for his funeral and to have his body transported back to Indiana. It hadn't even been twenty–four hours since the accident. She then asked to go through our things. Again I relented. I allowed her to take what she wanted. The coroner released Tom's body,and his mother left so suddenly. She promised to keep me updated. But I never heard from her again. Regardless,I made travel plans to Indiana to attend Tom's funeral. During my layover,I received a call from a member of Tom's family telling me I was not welecome. I was warned Tom's father and uncle had planned an attack should I slow up. Fearing for my safety,I did not attend Tom's memorial and burial services. I wasn't mentioned in the funeral program or obituary. I was the most importand person in Tom's life… And they were trying to erase me from existence. I only wanted to love him. When friends expressed their confusion and sadness on Tom's Facebook page… His parents had the page taken down. To Tom's family, I no longer existend. And to government,Tom and I were mere roommates. I went to the hospital where Tom had been taken to find out more about what happened… But was told I did not have the right to any information and would have to contact Tom's parents. Tom was my family. But we didn't have wills. And so despite having a bussiness and a mortgage together… I had no legal right to any information regarding his death or the events that followed. I was powerless. Had Tom and I had the right to marry,many things would have been different. Losing a loved one is devasting enough,but to then be rendered legally insignificant only makes the pain wores. After some time, I finally got to see Tom again. I quietly made my way to Indiana. Tom had always wanted me to see where he grew up. But not like this. 写了几句中文发现完全可以写下英文原文。。但是打了这么久字的我懒筋出来了不想把前面那段中文再还原一遍了。。。原谅我😂。 直到2015,美国才全境允许gay couple注册结婚。其实不管国内国外,对gay的歧视一直在,不要想当然以为国外gay就能生活得很好,国外的gay小孩时代也是被同学欺辱的对象,他们在工作上也会被歧视,在生活中也会有人言语攻击他们,更有甚者会被attack。当然不可否认就大环境而言,比国内要好一些。其实,生活是自己的,什么样的心态,过什么样的生活,always try to remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem,and smarter than you think. 今年2月,shane走出了五年的阴影,在社交账号上宣布开始了新的relationship,真的很为他高兴。五年前他的无助与悲痛真的很令人心疼。看见他现在开心的笑脸,真的希望能一直保持下去。 这首歌是Tom的朋友在2012年为他和shane所作。 谢谢那些静静看到这里看完的人😊真的很感谢你们的耐心💋 下面是第一段之后的翻译,防止浩浩你尴尬哈哈😄临时补上 圣诞快乐 爱你的Tom 谢谢你的爱,如果没有你在我身边,我肯定会迷失,我有种预感2011年将会永远改变我们的生活! 永远爱你的 TOM 他是对的,每件事都改变了,Tom和我没在一起了,2011年5月7日,Tom从这个屋顶上失足掉了下去。 死了。 Tom的妈妈赶紧从印第安纳州飞了过来要将他的遗体带回家,尽管Tom早就不认为那里是他的家了。 我没有试图阻止她。 我们在等验尸官归还Tom的遗体,他的母亲开始问我Tom的银行账户,她让我负责所有葬礼的费用并将遗体转移到印第安纳。 而现在离意外的发生甚至不足24小时! 她开始要求收拾我们的东西,同样的,我没有阻止她。我让她拿走了所有她想要的。 Tom的遗体归还后,她母亲突然离开了,她向我保证会联系我,但我再也没有她的消息。 不管如何,我仍然计划去印第安纳参加Tom的葬礼。 在路上我接到了汤姆家人的电话,说我不被欢迎参加葬礼,如果我出现,他的父亲和叔叔会攻击我,出于自身安全的考虑,我最终没有去参加葬礼。 我并没有在葬礼上被提及到,我是汤姆生命中最重要的人,而他们却想将我的存在抹除掉。 我真的只是想爱他而已。 当朋友在汤姆的脸书上表示疑问和难过时,他的父母关闭了他的脸书。 对他的家人而言,我完全不存在。 对政府而言,我们只是室友关系。 我去了医院,但被告知不是家人没法知道汤姆的信息。 汤姆就是我的家人! 我们都没有立遗嘱,因此尽管我们一起做生意一起生活,在法律上我仍然无法知道他死亡的其他信息和后续发展信息。 我很无力。 如果我和汤姆能够注册结婚,许多事情将会不一样。 失去爱人已经足够让我崩溃,被法律上判定为不相关的人更让我痛苦不堪。 过了一些日子,我最终还是踏上了去墓地见汤姆的旅程,我悄悄地来到印第安纳。 汤姆生前无数次想让我去他长大的地方看一看。 但从来都不是以这种方式。(扫墓) tap tap tap(我爱你)。