

2016-05-14    13'23''

主播: 亦边先生

2623 21

雨巷 戴望舒   撑着油纸伞,独自 彷徨在悠长,悠长 又寂寥的雨巷, 我希望逢着 一个丁香一样的 结着愁怨的姑娘。 她是有 丁香一样的颜色, 丁香一样的芬芳, 丁香一样的忧愁, 在雨中哀怨, 哀怨又彷徨; 她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷, 撑着油纸伞 像我一样, 像我一样地 默默彳亍着, 冷漠,凄清,又惆怅。 她静默地走近 走近,又投出 太息一般的眼光, 她飘过 像梦一般的, 像梦一般的凄婉迷茫。 像梦中飘过 一枝丁香的, 我身旁飘过这女郎; 她静默地远了,远了, 到了颓圮的篱墙, 走尽这雨巷。 在雨的哀曲里, 消了她的颜色, 散了她的芬芳 消散了,甚至她的 太息般的眼光, 丁香般的惆怅。 撑着油纸伞,独自 彷徨在悠长,悠长 又寂寥的雨巷, 我希望飘过 一个丁香一样的 结着愁怨的姑娘。   A Lane in the Rain (Translated by Yibian)   Holding an oil-paper umbrella, alone wandering in a lane, long,long and lonesome, here I wish to meet a girl like lilac, with sorrow of lilac. She owns the color of lilac, the fragrance of lilac, the melancholy of lilac, In the rain, with sorrow, with sorrow and melancholy. She takes her melancholy in the rain, wandering in the lonesome lane, holding an oil-paper umbrella, just like me, Just like my wandering, silently and lonely, coolly and sadly. No any sound or aura, She is walking to me, closer and closer. The light emitted from her eyes like sighs. And she floats past. A dream? A touching but indistinct dream? A lilac floats on by me. A lady floats past me All in calm, she is walking away further and further. That’s the collapsed wall where she is. That’s the end of the lane. The rain is a plaintive song, rinsing off her color, washing away her fragrance, swilling out her sigh-like eyes, lilac-like sorrow. Holding an oil-paper umbrella, alone wandering in a lane, long,long and lonesome, here I wish to meet a girl like lilac . with sorrow of lilac.