

2014-08-30    03'52''

主播: 千鸟之月

711 69

你为什么要停下来? Why did you stop? 这是通往塔拉的路,让马喘口气吧 This is the turn to Tara.Let the horse breathe a bit. 卫尔克斯太太 Mrs. Wilkes. 梅妮小姐昏过去了, 巴特勒船长 Miss Melly done fainted way back, Cap'n Butler. 这样对她比较好 Well, she's probably better off. 如果她醒着 将无法承受这种痛苦 She couldn't stand the painif she were conscious. 斯嘉丽, 你还是坚持做这傻事? Scarlett, are you still determined to dothis crazy thing? 是的, 我知道我们过得去 瑞德, 我相信我们一定行 Yes. l know we can get through, Rhett.I'm sure we can. 不是我们, 亲爱的, 是你 Not we, my dear, you. 我要在这里跟你分手 I'm leaving you here. 什么?瑞德, 你要去哪里? You're what? Rhett, where are you going? 亲爱的, 我要去从军了 I'm going, my dear, to join the Army. 你在开玩笑吧? 你这么吓我, 我要杀了你 You're joking!l could kill you for scaring me so! 我是认真的, 斯嘉丽 I'm very serious, Scarlett. 我要去参加穿着灰色军服 英勇的联合军队 I'm going to join upwith our brave lads in gray. 可是他们都逃走了 But they're running away! 不, 他们会回来做最后一搏 如果我了解他们的话 No. They'll turn and make a last stand, if l know anything about them. 到时候, 我会跟他们在一起 虽然晚了点, 但总好过... When they do, l'll be with them.A little late, but "Better late..." 瑞德, 你一定是在开玩笑 Rhett, you must be joking! 到头来你还是这么自私吗? Selfish to the end, aren't you? 永远只顾自己 从来不为我们神圣的事业着想 Thinking only of your own precious hide, with never a thought for the noble cause. 瑞德, 你怎么可以这样对我... Rhett, how could you do this to me... 为什么在我最需要你时 非离开我不可? and why should you go now, after it's all over and l need you? 为什么?为什么? Why? Why? 为什么? Why? 或许是因为我一直偏爱 失败的事业... Maybe it's because l've always hada weakness for lost causes... 真正失败的事业 once they're really lost. 也或许... Or maybe... 或许我为自己感到羞耻 maybe I'm ashamed of myself. 谁知道呢? Who knows? 让我无助地留在这里 你才真的该羞愧而死 You should die of shameto leave me here alone and helpless! 你会无助吗? You helpless? 如果北佬捉到你 倒霉的可是他们 Heaven help the Yankeesif they capture you! 下来吧, 我想跟你道别 Now, climb down here.l want to say goodbye. 不要 No! 下来 Climb down. 瑞德, 求你别走 求你不要扔下我 Oh, Rhett, please don't go.You can't leave me, please. 我永远都不原谅你 l'll never forgive you! 我不会要求你原谅我 我永远无法了解或原谅自己 I'm not asking you to forgive me.l'll never understand or forgive myself. 如果子弹打中我, 我就解脱了 我会笑自己曾是一个大傻瓜 And if a bullet gets me, so help me, l'll laugh at myself for being an idiot. 但有件事我明确的知道... But there's one thing l do know... 那就是我爱你, 斯嘉丽 and that is that l love you, Scarlett. 哪怕是世界末日, 我还是爱你 ln spite of you and me and the wholesilly world going to pieces around us... 我爱你 l love you... 因为我们太相像, 都太坏了 because we're alike. Bad lots, both of us. 自私又狡猾 Selfish and shrewd... 但都善于看穿别人的伪装 but able to look things in the eyesand call them by their right names. 别这样抱着我 Don't hold me like that! 斯嘉丽, 看着我 Scarlett, look at me. 我爱你胜过我爱的任何女人 l love you morethan l've ever loved any woman. 我等你久过我等的任何女人 And l've waited longer for youthan l've ever waited for any woman. 放开我 Let me alone! 现在爱你的 是位南方战士, 斯嘉丽 Here's a soldier of the Southwho loves you, Scarlett... 希望你用双手抱着他 wants to feel your arms around him... 希望把你吻他的美好记忆 一起带上战场 wants to carry the memoryof your kisses into battle with him. 你爱不爱我都无所谓 Never mind about loving me. 你这个女人用美好回忆 将一名士兵送上战争坟场 You're a woman sending a soldierto his death with a beautiful memory. 斯嘉丽, 吻我 Scarlett, kiss me. 吻我一次就好 Kiss me, once. 你这下流.胆怯.无耻的家伙 You low-down, cowardly, nasty thing, you! 他们说得对!大家都说对了 你不是个君子 They were right! Everybody was right!You aren't a gentleman! 这时候侮辱也不算什么了 A minor point at such a moment. 拿着 Here. 如果有人想把马抢走 就开枪打他 if anyone lays a hand on that nag, shoot him. 可别失手把马打死了 But don't make a mistakeand shoot the nag. 走吧!我要你走 我希望一发炮弹击中你 Oh, go on. l want you to go.l hope a cannon ball lands slap on you. 我希望你被炸得粉身碎骨 l hope you're blown into a million pieces! 剩下的就别说了 我明白你的意思了 Never mind the rest.l follow your general idea. 如果我真的为国捐躯... And when I'm dead on the altarof my country... 我希望你受到良心的责备 I hope your conscience hurts you. 再见了, 斯嘉丽 Goodbye, Scarlett.