【英国病人-经典瞬间】安全感:I promise. I will come back for you.

【英国病人-经典瞬间】安全感:I promise. I will come back for you.

2014-10-17    04'30''

主播: 千鸟之月

4022 109

凯萨琳 Katharine 天啊,你来干么? Dear God Katharine, What are you doing here? 我出不去,我无法动 I can't get out. I can't move. 他想给你惊喜 Surprise, he said. 可怜的杰夫 Poor Geoffrey 他一直都知道 He knew. He must have known all the them. 他向我大喊,我爱你,非常爱你 He was shouting I love you Katharine. 他伤得很重吗? Is he badly hurt? 我得拉你出来 I have to get you out 别动我 Please don't move me 我得拉你出来 I have to get you out 我好痛 It hurts too much 我知道,对不起 I know darling, I know. I'm sorry. 来吧 Come on 你为何恨我? Why did you hate me? 什么? What? 你把每个人都逼疯 Don't you know you drove everybody mad? 别说话 Don't talk 你是语言天才,却不肯说话 You speak so many languages and you never want to talk. 你戴着针箍? You're wearing the thimble? 当然,傻瓜 Of course. You idiot. 我一直戴着 I always wear it. I have always worn it. 我一直都爱着你 I have always loved you 好冷 It's so cold 我知道,对不起 I know. I'm sorry. 我来生火 I'll make a fire 你把杰夫拉出来了吗? Did you get Geoffrey out of the plane? 拉出来了 Yes, I did. 很好,谢谢你 Good. That's good. Thank you. 听我说 Listen to me, Katharine. 你摔断脚踝,我要帮你包扎 You've broken your ankle and I'm going to have to bind it. 你的手腕和肋骨可能也被撞断 I think you have also broken your wrist and maybe some ribs. 所以呼吸才会痛 Which is why it's hurting you to breathe. 我要走到厄塔吉 I'm going to have to walk to El Taj. 最近沙漠很不安宁 Although, given all the traffic in the desert these days. 应该会碰上军队 I am about to bump into one army or another. 等我找救援回来,你就会没事 And then I will come back, and you'll be fine. 你答应我? You promise? 我不想死在沙漠中 I wouldn't want to die here. I don't want to die in the desert. 我要举行隆重的葬礼 I've always had a rather elaborate funeral in mind. 一定要有挽歌 Particular hymns 我知道要葬在哪里 And I know exactly Where I want to buried. 我要葬在家乡临海的花园 In our garden where I grew up With a view of the sea. 答应我,你会回来接我 Promise me you will come back for me. 我答应,我会回来接你 I promise. I will come back for you. 我答应,我绝不会抛弃你 I promise. I will never leave you