【了不起的盖茨比-经典瞬间】绿光:We could see the green light...

【了不起的盖茨比-经典瞬间】绿光:We could see the green light...

2014-11-29    00'39''

主播: 千鸟之月

1682 169

要不是有雾气If it wasn&`&t for the mist... 我们可以看见那束绿光we could see the green light. 什么绿光?What green light? 那盏在你的码头…The one that burns all night... 彻夜不灭的灯at the end of your dock. 可能…Possibly... 对于盖茨比来说…it had occurred to Gatsby that... 那盏灯的重大意义…the colossal significance of that light... 已经不复存在had vanished forever. 现在,这仅仅是…Now it was once again... 盏码头上的普通信号灯而已just a green light on a dock. 他的生命里又少了一样 犹如被施了魔咒般的东西And his count of enchanted objects had diminished by one.