【与狼共舞-经典瞬间】Nothing I've been told about these people is correct.

【与狼共舞-经典瞬间】Nothing I've been told about these people is correct.

2014-12-13    01'23''

主播: 千鸟之月

584 48

关于这些人我所听到 没有一样是正确的 Nothing I've been told about these people is correct. 他们根本不是乞丐,小偷 They are not beggars and thieves. 他们不是可憎的怪物 我已经理解他们了 They are not the bogeymen they've been made out to be. 相反,他们是彬彬有礼的客人 随和的幽默感我也很喜欢 On thecontrary, they are polite guests and have a familiar humor I enjoy. 真正的沟通来得很慢, Real communication is slow, however... 那个「文静的」跟我一样, 感到无计可施 ...and the quiet one is as frustrated as I am. 绝大多数的进展是建立在 失败的基楚上的… Most of our progress has been built on the basis of failure... …比成功还重要 ...rather than success. 我想要弄明白 我要找的这个女人是活着还是… I've thought to inquire if the woman I found lived or not... …但是看起来太复杂了 ...but it seems far too complicated a subject, given our limitations. 但是,有件事很清楚 野牛群还没有出现 One thing is clear, however. There are no buffalo. 这在他们心目中的位置很重要 And it weighs heavy on their minds. 昨天的聚会是最棒的 Yesterday's meeting was the best yet. 我好像被邀请去村落 而我也正盼着能够过去 It seems I've been invited to the village and I'm looking forward to going.