

2015-06-06    05'21''

主播: 曲觞流水踏莎行

93 0

You are very quiet this evening. What is on your mind? Many things, sir. My aunt’s death. Being back at Thornfield. And? Adele tells me you’re sending her away to school. Yes. It’s a good idea, don’t you think? Paris is her home after all. May I ask why, sir? I thought perhaps you might have guessed. Perhaps... perhaps because you’re going to be married. Exactly. Precisely. With your usual acuteness, you have hit the nail straight on the head. I am to be married. Which means Adele will go away to school. And you will need to find new situation. I will advertise directly. No, you will not. I’ve heard of a position that might suit you. Governess to five daughters of a family in Ireland. It’s a long way off. No matter, a girl of your sense won’t object to the voyage. Not the voyage but the distance. And then the sea is such a barrier. From what, Jane? From England, sir. And from Thornfield. And... Sometimes I have the strangest feeling about you. Especially when you’re near me, as you’re now. It feels as though I had a string tied here under my left rib, where my heart is. Tightly knotted to you in a similar fashion. And when you go to Ireland, with all that distance between us, I’m afraid that this cord will be snapped and I shall bleed inwardly. But you are sensible. You will forget me. No, I’ll never forget! I wish I’d never been born. I wish I’d never come to Thornfield. There are other houses just as fine. How can you be so stupid? How can you be so cruel? I may be poor and plain but I am not without feelings. It’s not the house, but the life I lived here. I was not trampled on. I was not excluded. I was treated as an equal. And so you are, Jane. And so... And so... Yes, so, sir... And yet not so, for you’re a married man. Or as good as married. Let me go. Be still. Don’t struggle so; you’re like a bird clawing at its cage. I’m no caged bird. I’m a free human being, independent, with a will of my own. Then stay. Stay and marry me. How dare you make fun of me? I mean what I say. Stay at Thornfield. Be my wife. What of Miss Ingram? Miss Ingram! I don’t love Miss Ingram, nor does she love me. Jane, you strange, almost unearthly thing, I love you as my own flesh. I beg of you to marry me. Say “Edward, give me my name.” Say “Edward, I will marry you.” Yes. Yes. Yes. I hardly know what to say to you. I’m so astonished; I feel I must have been dreaming. 〈ending〉 Mrs Fairfax? Pilot. Hello, Pilot. Pilot! Pilot! No more noise. Miss Eyre! Mrs Fairfax, bring me a glass of water... Who’s there? Who is it? Pilot knows me. My brain will burst. What delusion is this? What sweet madness! Her fingers. Her very fingers. Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre. So many times I’ve dreamed of this moment. Then the dream vanishes and flies away. Gentle dream, kiss me before you go. I shall never leave you. You will stay with me? How? I will be your friend, your nurse, your companion. You will not be left alone for so long as I shall live. I’m no better than a ruined tree. I’m the lightning struck and decayed. You’re no ruin, sir. You’re vigorous and full of life. Plants will grow and wind around you, because your strength offers them so safe a hold. And so I married him. Slowly but surely, Edward recovered his sight. And when our first born was put into his arms, he could see that our child had inherited his eyes as they once were, large and brilliant and shining with life. We sent for Adele and she now lives with us, as beloved as if she were our own dear daughter. We are truly devoted, my Edward and I. Our hearts beat as one. Our happiness is complete.