Lesson-494 人生心累多于身累,心累重于身累

Lesson-494 人生心累多于身累,心累重于身累

2019-05-01    02'04''

主播: 宇 公

77 0

Lesson-494 人生心累多于身累,心累重于身累 * Of course your mental well-being plays a role too. Anxiety is a big one. Worrying what people think, always feeling tense about work, or being overly concerned about every decision can be physically exhausting. And fatigue is one of the main symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Not only that, but anxiety may be affecting your sleep quality. * On another serious end, depression can cause both physical and emotional fatigue, which more sleep won't necessarily relieve. For some, it causes insomnia or the inability to fall asleep in the first place. Unfortunately there's no quick fix for the 10% of Americans who do suffer from depression. So if you think you may be depressed, see your physician or psychologist. *