Lesson-504 如何正确区分虚荣心与自尊心

Lesson-504 如何正确区分虚荣心与自尊心

2019-05-11    02'08''

主播: 宇 公

89 1

5-11麦克风 1. 模拟第一句: 我住在一个很普通的公寓里,我的客厅有50方,我的卧室有30方。所以在住房条件上不算拮据,但同时我们也不是说超级满意。 I live in an ordinary apartment. My living room is 50 square meters and my bedroom is 30 square meters. So we are not struggling in housing condition, but at the same time we are not like super satisfied.   2. 模拟第二句: 当英语麦克风开始后,一组口语非常流利的学员就出现在我面前。正宗的美国口音,自信以及节奏控制到位的演讲,我早就清楚,这类学员正是我想要订阅英语麦克风这个节目的原因。 Right after the EMF started, a group of really fluent speaking students popped up to me. Authentic American Accent, confident well-paced speech, I knew this type of student was exactly the reason I wanted to subscribe to this program.   3. 模拟第三句: 第二天我把家人聚集到一起,告诉他们真相。这并不是容易的事,但是非常值得。他们依然愿意做我的家人,我听了非常开心,内心悬着的石头终于落地了。 The next day I gathered my family together and told them the truth. It really wasn’t easy but it was worth it. They still wanted to be my family. I was so happy to hear that. It was such a relief.