Lesson-528 罗斯福早就看透民主的本质

Lesson-528 罗斯福早就看透民主的本质

2019-06-04    01'56''

主播: 宇 公

70 0

6-4麦克风1. 模拟第一句: 我要说清楚,我不是轻课管理团队的一员,这是有记录的。因此不要想当然觉得小麦老师肯定是轻课的负责人,我无法对轻课管理团队负责。我今天在这里只是作为小麦老师,为我的学员们而上课。我是和轻课合作的一名老师。 I have to get it straight. I’m not a member of the management team of QingClass. This is on the record, so please don’t assume that I’m a member. And I’m not responsible for the management team of QingClass and I’m here today only teaching for my students as Michael, a teacher working with QingClass.   2. 模拟第二句: ——男生买不起房,你让女生怎么嫁给他们?——我觉得这个问题你要问那些结婚的女生,到底在不在乎房子的问题,到底是否觉得在租来的房子里结婚是无法接受的。我想她们会告诉你答案。 - How do girls get married if their husbands can’t afford an apartment? - Well, I think you have to ask those girls whether they cared about housing problems, whether they find getting married in rented homes has been unacceptable or not and they will tell you answers.   3. 模拟第三句: 我并不否认,中国还存在地区发展不平衡,环境问题,不公平的现象,甚至一些群体享有特权。这些都是必须要解决的问题。我认为中国政府,中国人民以及我个人作为老师,都能达成一致共识,如果这些问题没有解决方案,中国不会变得更强大,中国人民也无法安居乐业。 I do not deny that there is regional imbalance, there are environment issues, or there is inequality or even privilege for certain classes. I think that is something that has to be dealt with. And I think the Chinese government and the Chinese people and me as a teacher, I think there’s a consensus because without the solutions to those problems, China can’t be stronger, and Chinese people can’t enjoy their lives.