Lesson-538 美国大学生的真实生活是怎样的?

Lesson-538 美国大学生的真实生活是怎样的?

2019-06-14    04'06''

主播: 宇 公

113 1

Lesson-538 美国大学生的真实生活是怎样的? * So I got to campus a little early to do some studying before my test later today. And normally I'm just gonna go to the library in the morning but today it's such a beautiful day that I figured I'd come study out here. I love this spot. Here I can just take in the sunshine and the beautiful view and studies. Now you have like 10-20 minutes to just talk with our friends and you know, before class, catch up on the latest. * Greetings from the middle of my day. I just got out of my first class and did some homework in the Permanian Center. I figured today was a great day to do a little video because Wednesday is the day we're basically on campus all day. I have multiple classes that range from 8:30 and I don't get out until 9pm at night. And now I'm just taking a little breather before I continue on with the rest of the craziness of today, but check out this location like what. All right back to the real world. * So that was a little insight I guess into a day in my life. I'm about to go to bed. I'm tired. I've got classes tomorrow, but I hope you guys enjoyed seeing my day. Definitely it was a very busy productive day, lots of classes and lots of homework. *