Lesson-546 “意思意思”到底是几个意思?

Lesson-546 “意思意思”到底是几个意思?

2019-06-22    00'59''

主播: 宇 公

118 1

6月22 麦克风 1. 这是苏珊,全联盟最性感最火辣的拉拉 队员。她喜欢运动,但是都比不上她最 爱的篮球。 This is Susan, the sexiest hottest cheerleader in the whole league. She loves sports, but none more that her best hobby, basketball. 2. 这是勒布朗·詹姆斯,史上最好、最具 统治力的小前锋。三巨头:詹姆斯、戴 维斯、欧文。你们要把他们放在一起, 因为在场上他们是无敌的 This is LeBron James! The best, most dominant small forward who ever played! The Big 3: James, Davis and Irving. You gotta keep them together because they're invincible on court. 3. 奥迪这辆车,自从我记事起就是我的好 伙伴。他非常可靠,就是一辆SUV应 该有的样子,同时很有档次,很舒服, 但是让奥迪如此特别的是,他从不会抛 弃你,从不!不管发生什么,他都会在 那等你。 Now Audi, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's reliable like an SUV should be, and classy and comfy, but the thing that makes Audi special is he'll never abandon you, ever! He'll be there for you, no matter what.