Lesson-556 如何优雅不漏痕迹地“装B”?

Lesson-556 如何优雅不漏痕迹地“装B”?

2019-07-02    01'47''

主播: 宇 公

191 2

7-2麦克风 1. 模拟第一句: 一群好朋友,有趣的课程,到底会是难忘的进步还是彻底的失望,这一切都取决于你跟随的老师,你拥有的决心,以及你如何对抗懈怠。 Group of new friends. The interesting lessons. An unforgettable improvement or a total disappointment. Everything depends on the teacher you’re with, the determination you have, and how you fight against slackness.   2. 模拟第二句: 重要的事情先说,要理智地选择你的老师。你要找一个有经验的老师,这样你可以依赖他,并且在学习过程中可以一直保持安心自在。 First things first: choose your teacher wisely. You want someone experienced so you can rely on him and stay reassured during the learning process.   3. 模拟第三句: 第四步,终极的决心。在你开始学习前,调整你的心态,往内心注满自信,并且确保你已经加入了我们《英语麦克风》忠粉学习群。在那之后,报名课程,我们启程吧。 Step four, ultimate determination. Before you start, get your mind tuned, fill the heart with confidence, and make sure you join our EMF learners’ group. After that, sign up your course and here we go.