Lesson-560 孔子:别赖在我身上,这锅我不背。

Lesson-560 孔子:别赖在我身上,这锅我不背。

2019-07-06    01'01''

主播: 宇 公

254 0

7-6麦克风 1. 模拟第一句: 随着公司的成⻓,年轻的企业家开始去探索未知商业领域的可能性。 X鲁莽冒进,结果直接落⼊了惨烈竞争的漩涡中。如今他被数⼗个竞争对⼿团团围住。 As companies grow, young entrepreneurs begin to explore the possibilities of the unknown businesses. X has ventured out recklessly and blundered straight into the middle of the fierce competition. He’s trapped by over dozens of them.   2. 模拟第二句: 对⼿尝试将他隔离,这个数量的防守⼈员可以将他阻⽌。不可能同时对抗这么多⼈,梅⻄就快要坚持不住了,因为他体⼒消耗很快。 The rival tries to separate him away. This number of defenders could stop him. It’s impossible to fight them all at once. Messi can’t keep them at bay for much longer. He’s tiring fast.   3. 模拟第三句: 他的队友罗纳尔多已经看到了状况,现在天平发⽣了倾斜。即使四个后卫,也⽆法对抗⼀对⻩⾦前锋。梅⻄是幸运的。 His teammate Ronaldo has seen the situation. Now the odds have changed. Even for 4 defenders, a pair of golden strikers is too much to take on. Messi is lucky.