Lesson-570 相亲必看,100%相亲成功的技巧

Lesson-570 相亲必看,100%相亲成功的技巧

2019-07-16    01'03''

主播: 宇 公

205 2

7-16麦克风 1. 模拟第一句: 好吧,小小地握个手就可以了。我很快地现身,希望对话不要持续太久。他是在问我的工作和薪水吗?谁去相亲会问这种愚蠢的问题?醒醒吧,书呆子! Okay, just need a small handshake. I’m gonna pop in really quick and hopefully the talk won’t last too long. Is he just asking me about my work and salary? Who comes to a blind date just to ask those silly questions? Get real, nerd.   2. 模拟第二句: 也许我应该交往一个这样的书呆子,然后开始轻松的生活。我可以像王后一样,对啊,我甚至可以辞职不工作了。如果我嫁给这个书呆子,这将会是我全新生活的开始。算了,他这个长相我真的接受不了。 Maybe I should just date one of these nerds and enjoy an easy life. I can act like a queen. Yeah, maybe I’ll even quit working too. If I marry this nerd, it’ll be the start of, like, a brand new me. Nah, I can never stand his looks.   3. 模拟第三句: 不不不不,那是他母亲在角落里偷看我们。天呐,那桌坐了6个人。她将会凡事都插一手,以后我的生活就完全没有隐私可言了。 No no no no, that’s his mom peeking in the corner. Oh, there’s like 6 people at that table. She’s gonna have a finger in every pie. There’ll be no privacy left for my life anymore.