位置06-13 6⃣️ Look at the bottom right of the book. 看一下书的右下端。 7⃣️Look at the top left of the screen. 看一下画面的左上端。 8⃣️There is a big department store across the street. 对街有一家大型百货公司。 9⃣️There is a stationary store near our school. 我们学校附近有文具店。 🔟The supermarket is next to the hair salon.超市在美容院旁边。 1⃣️1⃣️The supermarket is between the bank and the bookstore. 超市在银行和书店中间。 1⃣️2⃣️There is the police station to the right of the library. 图书馆的右边是警察局。 1⃣️3⃣️There is a bakery to the left of the school entrance. 面包店在我们学校正门的左边。
上一期: 位置-01
下一期: 和我一起玩吧01-05