【电影《妖猫传》宣传曲】Shape Of Miracle - RADWIMPS

【电影《妖猫传》宣传曲】Shape Of Miracle - RADWIMPS

2017-12-23    04'45''

主播: 湑兮

5125 119

Tip:《Shape Of Miracle》是RADWIMPS为电影中的登场人物杨贵妃所创作的歌曲。 【Shape Of Miracle】 作曲 : 野田洋次郎 作词 : 野田洋次郎 歌手:RADWIMPS 所属专辑:Shape Of Miracle Hello, so you are my miracle 你好啊 你会不会是我的奇迹呢 Where are your eyes to look into? 不知你此时此刻在看着什么 How are you? I've been longing for you 你还好吗? 我多渴望你能来到我的怀中 Where is your mouth to question ‘why?' 你又会不会问我为什么呢 Don't leave your words bring them with you now 请带上那些话语 让它们随你前行 You're still in charge of what you felt 你大可以掌控着你的所感所受 No one can tell you how to finish your 没有人能为你的爱情画上句点 Love that was so easy to start 即便是那爱情来得再简单 Woo Woo Hello my dearest one miracle 你好 我最亲爱的奇迹 You are capricious and unkind 你有些傲娇任性 You're always hiding in back of fait 你总是不想为自己所做的事情负责 Now is the time to do your job 如今是时候该去做了 Woo Woo Like no one can measure the size of the sea 一如没人能量出大海有多宽阔 You'll never to notice how far my soul goes with you 你也不会注意到我的灵魂随你漂泊到多远的天涯海角之中 Hello, if you are my miracle 你好啊 如果你真的是我的奇迹 Where are your eyes to look into? 那你此时此刻在看着什么呢 Where are your tears running from? 你的泪水又是从何而来呢 Woo Woo I will let you go 我会让你走的 I will let you go 我不会强求你留 I won't say good bye I won't look behind 我不会说拜拜 也不会回头看 I will just leave my deepest sorrows behind 我只想把那伤忧抛在脑后 As big as all of the joy we raise together 如同我们曾一起经历过的那些喜悦