The English We Speak-Close, but no cigar

The English We Speak-Close, but no cigar

2016-11-14    02'03''

主播: Lynn Zhao

59 10

Summary It's illegal to smoke inside the BBC, but Neil risks his job to teach you an English expression. Can Feifei guess what it is? Transcript Neil Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I'm Neil and joining me is Feifei… Feifei Hi there everyone. Neil In this programme we have an expression you can use when someone has almost succeeded – but not quite. Now Feifei, could you just pass me that lighter, please? Feifei Lighter? What on earth are you doing with that cigar? You can't smoke in here! Neil It's a clue. You have to guess what the expression is. Feifei Oh OK. Is it 'to smoke like a chimney?' Neil Close, but no cigar. Feifei OK, is it 'no smoke without fire'? Neil Close, but no cigar. Feifei Oh, I give up! Neil I've told you twice already – it's 'close, but no cigar.' If someone almost succeeds – but not quite – you can say to them 'close, but no cigar.' Here are some examples. Examples A: How old do you think I am? B: 36? A: Nope – 35. Close, but no cigar. Five of my numbers came up in the lottery. Close, but no cigar. They hit the post in the last second of the game. Close, but no cigar! Neil So, there we go. If someone almost succeeds, but doesn't quite, we can say to them 'close, but no cigar.' Feifei Right, well you can put that cigar away now we've finished. Neil Actually, it's a really good one – shame to waste it. Feifei Neil! Neil Uh oh!