The English We Speak-Cyberchondriac

The English We Speak-Cyberchondriac

2016-11-14    00'01''

主播: Lynn Zhao

184 11

Summary Feifei has a headache and is convinced that something terrible is wrong with her. But is the medical advice on the internet helping her find out what's wrong – or is it making her feel worse? Transcript Feifei Hello and welcome to The English We Speak with me, Feifei… Sian …and me, Sian. Hello! Hey Feifei what are you doing on your phone? We've got a programme to record. Feifei Well you see I've got a really bad headache and it says here on this website that I might have a head injury, or maybe a tumour or… Sian Or maybe you've just got a headache! Give me that phone… you're just scaring yourself! Feifei Hang on it says here that I should go to the hospital if I have these other symptoms. Maybe I do have a fever… I am feeling quite hot. Sian That's because it's boiling in here – I'm hot too… and I'm starting to get a headache. I know exactly what's wrong with you – you have a case of cyberchondria! Feifei Cyberchondria? Oh dear I knew something was wrong. That sounds serious – what is it? Sian A cyberchondriac is someone who looks up medical advice on the internet for every symptom they have and then gets really anxious because they think they have a serious illness! Just like you're doing. Feifei Oh, like a 'hypochondriac' - that's someone who imagines illnesses that they don't have, isn't it? Sian Exactly, this term is a combination of 'cyber' – relating to computers – and hypochondriac. Let's hear some examples... Examples There are so many medical websites nowadays, it's no wonder more and more people are self-diagnosing and becoming cyberchondriacs. Ana: I was convinced that I had this really rare disease that I read about online. Turns out I just wasn't drinking enough water! Joe: Ha! You're such a cyberchondriac! Feifei Right, let's get on with the programme – I haven't brought my glasses today so I'm afraid I can't read the script very well. Sian What? You've forgotten your glasses? Well no wonder you've got a headache. Feifei Oh yeah that could be it. Phew I was convinced something terrible was wrong with me. Right, let's get on with the programme. Sian Hang on there's a link here to the 'ten most dangerous tropical diseases' I'll just have a quick look…. Feifei But you haven't even been to a tropical country lately. Put the phone down! Sian Alright! See you later. Bye! Feifei Bye!