The English We Speak Mash-up

The English We Speak Mash-up

2016-12-25    00'01''

主播: Lynn Zhao

69 7

Summary What happens when we take two already made things and combine them to make something new? Dan and Feifei will clue you in! Transcript Dan Hello and welcome to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, I'm Dan and with me is Feifei. Feifei Hello.What are all these cds and records for Dan? Dan I’m trying to make a mash-up. It’s going to be so cool. Feifei A mash-up? What’s that? Dan You know, when you combine two or more existing pieces of media to create something new. You get them all the time on YouTube. My mash-up is going to be a song. Feifei Oh I see. I think I saw one or two online. Someone had taken a bunch of old movie trailers and mashed them up to create a new one. Dan Yes, that's it. They’ve become very popular recently. And it doesn’t have to be a song or movie, people mash-up everything…even pictures and books! Feifei Let's hear some examples. Examples A: Wow, great new track! Who made it? B: It’s a mash-up that I got online. I didn’t know you could mix jazz and rock! So I’ve got these two great pieces of film. One’s a romance and one’s a horror film. I’m going to mash them up to make a romantic horror! Dan A mash-up. A new combination of two already made pieces of material. Feifei So what will your mash-up be, then? Dan I’m combining punk, reggae and military band music. Tell me what you think. Listen! Feifei It’s certainly very….interesting. Maybe don’t quit your day job just yet? Both Bye! Dan Oh! Wait! This is the best part!