20181113 Day 11

20181113 Day 11

2018-11-13    01'20''

主播: Xuebin Ryan

174 2

手术结束,英语回归,今天和大家分享一段马爸爸的演讲 比尔盖茨,沃伦巴菲特,杰克韦尔奇,拉里佩奇,马克扎克伯格 Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jack Welch, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg 这些人与其他人的不同在于 The difference between those people and other people, 他们对未来总是乐观 they are always optimistic for the future. 他们从不抱怨 They never complain 他们总是想要解决其他人的问题 They always try to solve the problems of the others. 当你乐观的时候,总是会有机会 When you're optimistic, it's always opportunity 今天人们还是问着一样的问题,马云,机会在哪呢? People say the same thing here today 'Jack where is the opportunity?' 我没有工作,我没有这个,我没有那个 I don't have a job, I don't have this, I don't have that. 我们处于这个世纪最好的时候 We're at the best time of this century. 最好的资本就是你还年轻 The best assets you have is that you’re young. 别抱怨,让其他人去抱怨 Don't complain, let the other people complain. 机会总在人们抱怨的地方 The opportunity always lies where people complain. 想想你怎么能把事情做得不一样 Think about how you can make things different 有什么我可以做的不一样的吗 Is there anything I can do that makes the difference
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