老外说:2017来了,我要勇抱它 E119

老外说:2017来了,我要勇抱它 E119

2016-12-30    06'01''

主播: 念念英文

200 10

微信公众号:念念英文 关注后直接回复数字“119”可查看完整的图文推送~英文对照笔记都在里面哦~ Hello Friends. Welcome back to nian nian ying wen, lao wai shuo. I am David. 2017 is coming, are you ready for a brand new year? Do you have a New Year’s resolution? 大家好,欢迎回到念念英文,老外说,我是大卫。马上要到2017年了,你准备好了吗?你有新年的愿望清单吗? So today, in order to make this New Year even more special, I am going to share the New Year’s resolutions of my friends and family with you guys. Hope you enjoy! 为了让这个新年更特别,今天我想要和大家分享我朋友和家人的新年愿望清单。希望大家喜欢。