老外说:妈妈,我还不想死 E126

老外说:妈妈,我还不想死 E126

2017-02-23    03'50''

主播: 念念英文

190 15

微信公众号:念念英文 关注后直接回复数字“126”可查看完整的图文推送~英文对照笔记都在里面哦~ How many of you have heard the rumor that Walt Disney, the founder of Disney, froze and preserved himself so that he would not die?  If you have not heard of this, the rumor states that Walt Disney, who was dying of lung cancer, froze himself cryogenically and is preserved somewhere under Disneyland waiting to be revived when a cure for cancer is discovered. 传说中 Walt Disney,也就是迪士尼公司的创始人,在死后把自己冻了起来,希望有朝一日能够重生。你们有多少人听过这个传闻?如果没听过,事情是这样的:死于肺癌的华特·迪士尼将自己的遗体用深低温冻存技术保存起来,埋在某个迪士尼乐园下面(放心,可以肯定不是上海),等待有朝一日癌症被攻克后,他能重新活过来。 While this has been proven to be nothing more than an urban legend, one young girl in England did what Walt Disney did not – she actually convinced a court to allow her body to be cryogenically frozen.  The girl, tragically dying of a rare form of cancer, asked a court to allow her remains to be frozen until such time as cancer is cured.  In the groundbreaking decision, the court agreed with her. 虽然这个故事后来被证明只是坊间传闻而已,但是一个英国女孩真的做到了Walt Disney 没有做到的事情 —— 她说服了法院让她在死后将遗体深低温冻存。这个女孩得了一种无法治愈的罕见癌症,所以她祈求法院同意冻存自己的遗体,直到这种癌症被攻克那天。于是法院做了一个很超前的决定,同意了这个女孩的请求。