每日情景口语171016 Who Is Your Idol你的偶像是谁?

每日情景口语171016 Who Is Your Idol你的偶像是谁?

2017-10-20    05'15''

主播: 辣妈英语秀

82 1

欢迎订阅我,或关注微信公众号【辣妈英语秀】(tinashow727)获取【50部最适合学英语电影&小猪佩奇全四季影音文件】 No.1 T: Jesse. You know what? Lu Han posted that hisgirlfriend is Guan Xiao Tong, a young actress. J: Yep. I've heard of it. Lots of his fans were crazy at thattime. But I don't care. Tina. Who is your idol? Are youa fan of him? No.2 J:Hey, Tina. Who'syour idol? T:I used to be a big fan of Michael Jackson, butnow my idol is Taylor Swift. I like her every single song.