苏妈朗读:Llama Llama Misses Mama

苏妈朗读:Llama Llama Misses Mama

2016-06-16    04'07''

主播: 小小苏绘本

5698 165

Llama llama, warm in bed. Wakey,wakey,sleepyhead! Llama school begins today! Time to learn and time to play! Make the bed and find some clothes Brush the teeth and bow the nose Eat some breakfast Clean the plate Whoops!Oh my-we’re running late! Drive to school and park the car Tell the teacher who you are Meet new faces Hear new names See new places Watch new games Hang the coat and say good-bye Llama llama feeling shy Mama Llama goes away Llama Llama has to stay Strange new teacher Strange new toys Lots of kids and lots of noise! What would Llama like to do?Llama Llama feels so new Reading stories on the rug Kids are cuddled,sitting snug Would the llama like to look?Llama llama hates that book Time for lunch!Now find a seat Llama doesn’t want to eat Llama makes a little moan Llama Llama feels alone It’s too much for little Llama Llama Llama MISSES MAMA! Don’t be sad,new little llama!It’s OK to miss your mama But don’t forget-when day is through She will come right back to you Llama Llama,please don’t fuss Have some fun and play with US! Put on coats and run outside See the playhouse!Try the slide Tag and jump rope Hide and seek Close your eyes and do not peek! Now it’s time to draw and write Great big crayons Colors bright MAMA LLAMA! YOU CAME BACK!!! Teacher gets a good-bye hug Wave to friends on reading rug Climb the playhouse with the slide See if Mama fits inside Lots to show and lots to say!Back again another day Llama finds out something new- He loves Mama And SCHOOL, too!
上一期: The Runaway Bunny
下一期: Good Night Little One